Following up on The Dailly Show from last night:
Coming Soon - The Daily Show Remembers 9/13/2001 $150
Bush's 9-11 Photo Profiteering
September 6, 2002
With September 11th approaching and the prospect of Bush using the anniversary events to make political gains for his ailing ratings, we thought it would be important to show how Bush has previously used the tragedy of 9-11 to advance his far-right political agenda and, most despicably, to make a quick buck for the GOP.
In May, Bush and the GOP started selling a three-photo collection of Bush's first year in office, which included a photo of "a telephone call from Air Force One to Vice President Cheney the afternoon of September 11."
Besides the fact that the photos are mislabeled (the second photo is "Bush speaking to Congress on Feb. 27, 2001, well before the Sept. 11 attacks") and misleading (the 9-11 photo gives the impression that Bush was in charge, when we know he finished reading his children's book -- even after the second tower was attacked -- and then ran away from D.C. like a scared chicken), it took the Democrats to rightfully call this kind of fund-raising what is was: "troubling," "grotesque," and the "cynical use of a photo of that period.", Judith Regan, and their affair overlooking Ground Zero, beneath the place at the jail where Kerik's name used to go, the correction officer said, "Where you going next, that love nest down there at Ground Zero where used to shack up with Judith Regan?"