Edited on Sun Sep-18-11 10:28 AM by bobbieinok
see talk2action
In his last commentary, -- and without having to name names -- the soft-spoken priest offered a powerful rebuke to the likes of Douthat and other conservative pundits who assured us that Perry's and Bachmann's Dominionist followers were nothing to worry about.
But there is cause for concern. Father Beck started out by wondering if Michele Bachman's "joke" about Hurricane Irene being wrath from above. He then wondered out loud about "her sense from God to run for office. Father found this "perplexing" by this belief since God seemingly gave both Rick Santorum and Herman Cain the same sense.
Father Beck then raised questions of potential conflicts between the Constitution and personal faith; he asked, which would win?
Finally, Father Beck asked of Rick Perry, "If America is the chosen country by God, what about the other countries?" He immediately followed up with the statement, "Talk about Dominion theology!" The television priest obviously threw that comment in to show the likes of Douthat that he is paying attention, well aware of a Dominionist agenda that would relegate other faiths to a state of sufferance. And in doing so doing, he has obliquely, raised a warning flag to those who are paying attention, that we need to know a lot more about Perry's relationship with the likes of C. Peter Wagner and other New Apostolic Reformation ministers - several of whom have spoken with hostility towards Catholicism.
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