Edited on Mon Sep-19-11 03:24 PM by patrice
It's a fairly well established axiom that lots (most?) people never develop the highest levels of reasoning. Use whatever model you wish, but the most common one is Piaget, and progress from primitive forms of rationalism to wider/deeper thought processes is commonly said to plateau for most people well below the maximum level of conceptual development.
Practically speaking, this can be seen in all of the false dichotomies and false equivalencies, stereotypes, and other either-this-or-that generalizations that are presented as understanding between us in our own relationships and in M$M.
Some recognize the implications of the difference between quantitative analysis, the most common form of understanding, and qualitative analysis a more rare and more expensive form of understanding. For example, people know now that you can CONSTRUCT polls to do CERTAIN rather SPECIFIC things with quantitative analysis and, then, find that the very same subjects will reverse themselves completely when the analysis is qualitative, e.g. interviews. This human trait has profound consequences in all kinds of management, but most notably lately in business.
What does this mean? Simply, people are naturally full of contradictions and significant differences between attitudes and behavior is normative. BUT, our political machines and standard "communication" processes, because of the confluence of historic, social, cultural, economic and technological factors, HAVE OUTLIVED THEIR RELEVANCE.
Our dichotomous processes in general and politics and M$M in particular are obsolete. There's a reason why so many people don't vote. There's a reason why there's an "independent" impulse. The real world has ALWAYS been much more complex than we have been pretending; we have just had the bad-good luck to pretend otherwise. That's over now. We NEED a "new" (actually old to some of us) way, what is known in some circles as a "turning".
This does not mean that TPB, that which oppresses, in this case by means of semantic bullshit that is served to us as rational thought, will cease trying to divide and conquer the people with all manner of false cognitions. It does not mean that we can just substitute our own bullshit for their bullshit, for SOME dichotomies are in fact not false, SOME equivalencies are in fact equivalent, SOME stereotypical cognitions CAN function as hypotheses to be validated or not empirically and that process of validation is a worth -y thing.
The difference now is that we no longer have that buffer that allowed us to accept other people's ponies or monsters as our own. It's time to meet the real world the way it is in all of its complexity and that begins with individuals identifying and evaluating artificial constructs, either : or placebos, that have been used to oppress us, and starting to engage the real world im- mediate -ly, individually, and honestly as the living verb that it is, not just which-whatever we are told it is.
I'm not certain and it looks as though things have not worked quite as well as he had hoped, but I think this is the kind of CHANGE that Mr. Obama has been moving toward for some time. I think Dr. Martin Luther King would have recognized it and I think he would have called it Freedom.