to concerns that he has heard voiced regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. Perhaps I can help him fill up some of the rest of his spare time. I stopped at the Capital Grille for a drink following a recent Washington Nationals game. At a neighboring table I'm pretty sure I overheard some people stating that they had personal knowledge of a Satanic cult consisting of Jon Kyl, John McCain, Jan Brewer, Jeff Flake, Ben Quayle, and Trent Franks. If I heard correctly, my fellow bar customers claim to have witnessed the entire Arizona Republican political establishment engaged in an orgy of heroin use, bestiality involving domesticated barnyard animals, Devil-worship, and the ritualistic deflowering of adolescents and small rodents.
Am I now duty-bound to inform Sheriff Joe at (602) 867-1801 (his office), or at ? And if I (and perhaps several other people) voice our concerns, will the intrepid Sheriff drop everything in order to rush before the media and proclaim his intent to investigate these serious charges?