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Krugman: Billionaires and Secretaries

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-21-11 08:38 AM
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Krugman: Billionaires and Secretaries
Krugman: Billionaires and Secretaries

Well, it seems as if a number of people in the media have decided that Obama was fibbing when he said that some millionaires pay lower tax rates than their secretaries — because, as the usual suspects triumphantly declare, on average millionaires pay higher average taxes than middle-income Americans.


And we’re not talking about one or two exceptional guys, either. Look at the IRS data on returns for the 400 highest incomes in America (pdf) — specifically, Table 43. If you look at the numbers since 2004, you’ll see that in a typical year between 30 and 40 percent of those super-high-income players paid an average tax rate of less than 15 percent; most of them paid less than 20 percent. Bear in mind that for the very wealthy the payroll tax — the main burden on working-class Americans — is trivial, because of the cap on Social Security and the fact that it only applies to earned income. And what becomes clear is that the Obama/Buffet claim is absolutely, totally true.

So why the attack? Probably because it’s such an effective line. And we can’t have populism that actually strikes a chord with the public, can we?

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Vinnie From Indy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-21-11 08:44 AM
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1. K & R
I am never failed to be amazed when I meet folks struggling month to month to survive arguing so forcefully for millionaires and billionaires to have extremely low tax rates.

I blame Rush Limbaugh, his army of local radio station clones and FOX News.
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