After the speech, several CBC members said they were pleased with the message. Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Maryland, said it was a "call to action." She said both sides of the aisle know where the battlelines are drawn on the issues and that complaining about that will not accomplish anything, members must fight for what they want.
"He showed he's going to fight," she said.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said the president "took his gloves off" and that it was the right approach. "This is the first day of the beginning of a season of pressure" on Republicans in Congress, she said. "I think that this is now, for his own sake, a sense of reckoning that although his temperament as president of the United States for everybody – is to include everyone – there's a time now that the marching has to begin, because he's got to save this country and we're willing to save it with him."
Rep. Greg Meeks, D-New York, said it was important to see the president transition from governing mode to campaign mode and that he must keep the pressure on Congress, travel to districts where people are hurting and show them that he feels their pain.