"Your posts are SPIN from White House.gov"
...more spin from the "White House.gov"
www.dailykos.com/story/2011/09/27/1020684/-KFF-report:-Employer-based-health-premiums-take-big-jump-in2011Employer-based health premiums take big jump in 2011"Couple comes face to face with reality of 'Obamacare'" Now, for the rest of your ridiculous comment:
ProSense, you do not post about the circumstances of people you know. Most of your posts here from DU are spin, P.R. to make depressing facts sound better than they are. You accentuate the little which is positive when for many things are getting very depressing, You seem to have a professional beat to cover.
I notice that some people who don't like to deal with facts prefer to employ tactics that make them sound personable while introducing bullshit straw men and moronic claims ("You seem to have a professional beat to cover" or "blue links"), but you must deal with reality. The WH post is an assessment of Kaiser's survey. Kaiser doesn't work for the WH.
There's nothing wrong with doing your job. But it would make many of us feel better and even trust you more if you would admit you're a paid political operative. There are messages the White house needs to get out to baseline Democrats. The press releases with positive spin are intended to make us feel things are steadily improving.
Idiotic. Really idiotic!
Let the idiocy speak for itself.
I think if YOU opened up and told us you are indeed a paid professional who believes in your mission, and are paid to keep us in the trenches informed, we'd trust you because we'd know where you're coming from. Your posting ID "ProSense" is as obvious a PR handle as it comes. An official messenger from the Obama's administration deserves respect. But you can't expect people to fall into step and follow directions, repeat talking points for political purposes. . I know I don't dislike the president. I never thought of Obama as a potential diety. He's a good man afaik. My disappointments aren't terminal or malignant.
If you and the couple of other 'pros' posting here would speak openly with the rest of us, sort of as Carville and Begala related to average Dems during Clinton's first term, you might be surprised how much more civil our conversations could become. The communications need to be two way. And we all need to be respectful.
Many of your blue links convey the administrations messages on issues for the day, the week. I've seen talking points change from the top after you'd posted them, then the next week you went with the new message even after it was 180 degrees different from your original post and links.
I think the ambiance around Democratic Underground would improve if you and the other professional colleague would get permission to speak as offical admin reps. Nothing much would change. I think you really listen to those of us who consistently hammer serious points worth sending 'upstairs'. I think I have seen you have conveyed the sincerity of hundreds of stalwart Democrats to where the president and his closest aides can evaluate what's going on with the people who began working for Obama and contributing to his campaign as far back as 2006-2007. October 2007 was when I began considering Obama as President. However after his 2004 Convention speech I predicted he would become president. I had predicted Bill Clinton would become president when he delivered the so-called endless speech way back in 1988, was it?
Once I briefly PMed you and you didn't answer, so I'm writing here in the open. I think you are a conduit. I believe your impressions and info may have helped wake up those in the campaign. I still believe President Obama can achieve some great things. But he NEEDS us and regular people, even those who lean republican, behind him. He needs us to understand the real obstacles which are in the way. Honesty is the best strategy.
I'd like to talk more later. About how free trade policies are hurting. Are we really stuck into accepting Australian and Canadian beef in exchange for being able to sell our poultry to trading partners? Is there any way to bring back jobs to America? Why must everything we buy be made in China? (I've sensed President Obama doesn't much like the Bush/Clinton precedents) These are all more important issues which affect every one of us as well as the children in the future.
Democratic Underground is going off the rails with endless divisive time wasting topics like the Perry-Harris/ Walsh emotional mudwrestling. You're a leader here. You can help lead us to real discourse and unity (to a degree)because it appears your job is to try to influence the agenda on this board. But if you keep trying to persuade us things are better than we have cause to believe we'll not trust you.
I believe there is small but real cause to believe quite a few things are improving. Yes, President Obama's administration is moving slowly, carefully and incrementally. If we can honestly discuss the moves, the changes, DU will get better. I see you as a power because you are obviously a trained professional.
Let me conclude by saying the above is drivel!