Bonus: Yet more proof that Rick Perry grew up under a moss-covered rock. doesn't exist, but if he did, Newtman Caingrich would be the new front-runner to become the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.
Mr. Caingrich is a mythical cross between the Republican presidential candidates Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich, a creature birthed from the mind of Rick Perry at last week's presidential debate.
"I don't know how you would do this, but if you could take Herman Cain and mate him up with Newt Gingrich, I think you would have a couple of really interesting guys to work with," Perry said, responding to a question about who he would pick for a running mate, were he forced to choose from the candidates on stage....
Since the debate, Caingrich has inspired illustrations and has even been captured in a rare photograph. Mortals have made desperate attempts to define his mystery. Julie Weiner at Vanity Fair described Caingrich as a "chimera, as in the ancient Greek tradition, consisting of one part Newt Gingrich, one part Herman Cain, and one part Rick Perry's dreams."My only question: Is he black enough? :sarcasm: