You know, the more I listen to all these political pundits, the more discouraged I get about our future.
Now don't get me wrong, I have some differences with President Obama and the Democrats. I don't think they fought hard enough when WE had the clear majority. I think they should have changed the rules in the Senate and eliminated the filibuster (or at least modified it) so that we could have got our agenda enacted. At least if we failed, we would have done it our way.
We allowed the Health Care Plan to be diluted so that, without a single payer option, it is not nearly as effective as it could be. We didn't get a second stimulus package through, and we really needed another. The actual numbers when we took office in 2009 were far worse than the ones we were working with.
We should have satisfied and strengthened our base with the Employees' Free Choice Act (EFCA) which would have increased union membership, which in turn increases the foot soldiers Democrats need.
But I digress.
I know it's tough to choose between those who have disappointed us and those who want to destroy us. By us, I mean the working middle class.
Anyway, even at this point, President Obama is still ahead in nearly every trial heat against every Republican contender and ahead of them all in every cumulative poll.
This time, when we win, let's try to do it our way.
Link to polls;