I would like to see a presidential candidate take a stance away from the political template that requires certain things be said to certain demographics in a certain way at a certain time add political contributations and PRESTO, you have a president.
I would love to see a candidate actually say whats real and mean what he says and than actually DO IT, tell all the special interest groups and party contribution sponsors to kick rocks and put the country first, but before THAT can even begin to happen...the people at large have to be ready for the required change and regain the sense of national pride and trust in our leaders competancy and ethics...
Everybody likes to attack and point fingers and blame someone else for the issues facing the world, but if we as American citizens simply rant to one another and not in the necessary platforms and outlets, like the voting booth, the town hall meetings, etc. than nothing will change no matter how much we whine an complain.
I always like to hear the response from people when asked: What would you do? How would YOU solve the many supposed unsolvable and key issues currently facing the nation whether immediate like Iranian nuclear ambition response or further down the road for gen x’ers like social security and health coverage?
Young people have every reason to be skeptical toward social security when we are watching our parents and grandparents struggle with donut holes and cut backs. How are we as future recipients of a social security safety net to rely on in our golden years, when we don’t even have it for recipients today?? What happened to the money our parents and grand parents contributed for themselves? What is going to happen to the money I have contributed thus far towards my social security?
Very simply, no matter what the problem is, 99.99 % is money. With that, comes transparency, accountability and oversight. Period.
The corruption, mis-management and blatant greed that has contributed to the current state of the world has to end. Any other answer is a smoke screen. Any solution will be slight of hand.
If we all focus our attention on social security and national security, other key areas will begin to erode and ultimately become the future catastrophes imposed against the same people the presidential nominees are claiming to be thinking about...the future generations.
The change has to be accountability. Accountability with government funds. Accountability with who is attempting to defy the world with nuclear ambition. Accountability across the board, but if we start with accountability on government spending and allocation of all government funds, the problems will inevitably resolve themselves, slowly…and over time, from the top down. Sure, lots of people wont live quite as comfortably as they currently do and yes, MANY high level people will put every ounce of power they have to resist the curtain being pulled up, but it genuinly HAS to happen before we end up in the history book next to the roman empire.
With our attention taken of the plethora of economic and financially motivated issues, we can shift our focus onto the more human nature oriented issues with a greater clarity and determination as a single country and not a bi-partisan conglomerate of corruption, hypocrisy, hot air and broken promises.