depends on what the definition of "is" is.The Obama Administration outsources "interrogations" of "suspects" to countries with a reputation for torture
through the continuation of Bush's
Rendition program.
"Human rights advocates condemned the decision, saying that continuing the practice, known as rendition, would still allow the transfer of prisoners to countries with a history of torture. They said that promises from other countries of humane treatment, called “diplomatic assurances,” were no protection against abuse.
“It is extremely disappointing that the Obama administration is continuing the Bush administration practice of relying on diplomatic assurances, which have been proven completely ineffective in preventing torture,” said Amrit Singh, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, who tracked rendition cases under President George W. Bush.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/25/us/politics/25rendition.html"It's hard to tell what such statements have meant in practice because the Obama administration has also followed another aspect of the Bush adminstration's rendition policy: utter secrecy. The Obama White House has invoked the states secrets privilege to block evidence that could reveal details about past renditions under Bush and, more recently, has declined to comment on the latest documents discovered in Libya and the details that emerged in the litigation in New York.
Though an Obama administration task force recommended that greater accountability measures be imposed on countries that suspects are rendered to, the extent to which the recommendations have been implemented is unclear, and public statements by officials have been vague."
http://www.nationofchange.org/under-obama-administration-renditions-and-secrecy-around-them-continue-1315411956If a "suspect" is tortured, but no one in the US Media can hear them scream,
does that mean it didn't happen? :shrug:
This is NOT the kind of "transparency" and "Restoration of Honor" that
Campaign Obama promised us in 2008.
http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-june-15-2010/respect-my-authoritahYou will know them by their
not by their