Edited on Thu Nov-17-11 11:19 AM by Sheepshank
Man it took a long time, but we did it, we did it. Consistency, and sticking to our guns won the day.
Several times in the earlier days, I made the mistake of admitting some Dem policy that annoyed me, frustrated me, or I considered lacking. I will NEVER do that again. It just provides fodder and something for them to bring back up again and again, completely ignoring the 90% of the good I think comes with being a Dem. While I will continue to have my issues, they are mine to sort through. My public persona is to support unwaveringly and not provide a reason for someone else to hang their hat on the negative.
And you know what. A lot of the success in verbally sparring and challenging this bagger is due to the smart, fact ridden, practical and honest arguments I got right here on DU. I didn't have to react with emotion or general "my opinion" only. I had data, facts, links and charts...omg how they hated the charts. I didn't have to devolve to name calling, moran labeling etc. Can't say the same for them though lol. The frustration was running high from the Right. I will also admit many of my OP's came from ideas and links from DU...bringing to light the short comings, "family values", and hypocrisy of the RW leadership.
Anyway, the last rabid bagger claimed she was being bullied, and was tired of the misinformation and would be moving on to a site where she could discuss things with like minded people for support. I gave her Freep site link. They deserve each other.