"Holy crap Batman." So this is what the vetting process for Republican Presidential candidates has come down to;
An adulterer, liar and now advocate for CHILDREN working. (Gingrich)
A groper, 999 (look at that upside down), 'ANGRY BLACK MAN'-this is what the Republicans were waiting for and trying to trap Obama into, numerologist and just plain idiot. (Cain)
A Mormon (I have no MAJOR problem with that in principle but I also would not want a Scientologist or other nut job as President. I laugh every time he gets up to speak, wondering if he is wearing 'Magic Underwear.'), FLIP FLOPPER, liar and someone who grew up in a household where his father was uber-rich and never had to worry about anything. Again, I have no MAJOR problem with that. It's just that he believes corporations are people-something the US Supreme Court has ruled so, and have the same rights as you and I. (Romney)
A racist, one who,if elected, would instantly plunge this country into second world status and all around not nice person. (Ron Paul)
A TRUE IDIOT of the first rank, possibly psychotic, one who believes she gets instructions from God and ranting lunatic. (Bachmann)
Another true idiot, a person who casts out witches-what next, burning them, one who had to leave office under major clouds of suspicions of graft and corruption and a Domininist. Granted she has already said she would not run because she 'believes she can do more good things on the sideline.' (Palin)
Possible drunk, someone who you would NOT want to take that '3:00 am phone call' and malfunctioning brain. (Perry)
A list of has beens, neverweres and just plain Republicans (Anyone else; Santorum, Huntsman, Johnson, Roemer)