Collateral Damage: The GOP’s Obama Hate Pushes 100 Million Towards Poverty
November 28, 2011
By Rmuse
In military vernacular, collateral damage is damage to people or property that is unintended or incidental to the intended outcome. In politics there is collateral damage and the difference is that when Republicans are involved, it is highly questionable whether or not damage to people and America’s economy is really unintended or incidental to their desired outcome. Since Barack Obama has been president, the GOP has worked for two specific outcomes and along the way have caused collateral damage that appears to be unintended, but with myriad data available to the public and Republicans, it becomes obvious that the damage they cause is intended and essential to their intended outcome.
Republicans make no secret that one of their primary goals is to deny President Obama a second term as president, and it is painfully obvious that they intend to give all the wealth in America to the wealthy and their corporations. They have given preferential treatment to the wealthy for years and justify their largesse, using taxpayer dollars, with the insane and failed theory that, as the wealthy prosper, wealth will “trickle down” to the peasant class. The resulting loss of revenue for the government has engendered cuts and services to social programs and nearly every sector of the economy. Despite the country coming precariously close to defaulting on its debt, Republicans still refused to follow a balanced approach of spending cuts and increased revenue and the result was America’s stellar credit rating being downgraded and social safety nets being slashed to the detriment of nearly every American who was not the wealthy elite class. The GOP’s stubborn adherence to conservative ideology of never raising taxes on the wealthy caused intended damage to the poor, middle class, and America’s credit rating.
The fact that Republican hatred for President Obama has caused untold damage to the country’s economy is fairly well known at this point in time, but
the devastation to tens-of-millions of Americans who are living in poverty or near-poverty is often ignored by the media and the public in general. Officially, there are 49.1 million Americans living in poverty in the richest country in the history of the world, but a recent Census Bureau report that measures poverty by counting disposable income found that there are 51 million Americans with incomes less than 50% over the federal poverty level. That means there are 100 million Americans living at or barely above the poverty line. The number of Americans living in poverty should be sufficient to encourage even the most contemptible Republican to work with Democrats to pass President Obama’s jobs plan to put Americans back to work and raise millions out of poverty, but their abject hatred for anything the President proposes supersedes the most basic level of humanity and prevents them from helping the American people.Republicans are fully aware of the poverty levels in America, but they have no intention of making any effort to help the poor or nearly poor because working with the president will defeat their goal of keeping unemployment near 10%.
Back in February when told that Republican spending cuts would kill 1.1 million jobs, House Speaker John Boehner nonchalantly said, so be it. Since February, Republicans have sought out new ways to kill jobs and obstruct job creation plans with the guise that the country cannot afford to help lift millions of Americans out of poverty, but their arguments fall short when they propose more tax cuts for the wealthy, oil subsidies, and tax holidays for American corporations in foreign countries. The GOP may say they care about the American people, but their hatred of this president tells a different story.more...