by Jed Lewison
Cockiness from Camp Romney:
A top aide to Mr. Romney predicted that the Gingrich bubble would deflate as others before it have. “You don’t have to go deep here,” the aide said, referring to controversial stances and personal baggage from Mr. Gingrich’s past. “It ranges from immigration to ethics to being a Washington insider to Freddie Mac to you pick them.”
But none of that's new—Gingrich has been getting hammered on Freddie Mac in particular and it hasn't hurt him one bit with Republican primary voters. Perhaps on paper, you'd expect Gingrich to be in last place ... but he's not. He's in first. But even if the Romney aide is ultimately right and Gingrich drops like Rick Perry telling Republicans they are heartless, the thing they still haven't explained is this: other than surviving a process of elimination, how does Mitt Romney actually plan to
win the GOP nomination?
Updated to add...
NH Union Leader Publisher: Romney 'Represents The 1%' (TPMLivewire)
One factor in the New Hampshire Union Leader’s decision to endorse underdog Newt Gingrich over Mitt Romney: money. Specifically, Romney’s massive investment fortune.
“I think — and this is crazy, but so are we — that Gingrich is going to have a better time in the general election than Mitt Romney,” publisher Joe McQuaid told FOX News. “I think it’s going to be Obama’s 99% versus the 1%, and Romney sort of represents the 1%.”
Gingrich has his own vulnerabilities in this area as well, namely his consulting work for big corporate clients and his huge credit lines at Tiffany’s, but McQuaid’s line is a nod to a tough attack that Romney hasn’t had to deal with much in the primary but will definitely come up in a general election.