He is laying out clearly how the repubs are working against the needs of America and the people. Best push for Democracy from a Dem President since Clinton. I feel so good for the moment - let's keep him pushing what is needed to keep us from "failing" as a country and allowing the repubs to take our Rights away from us. P.S. I am not on welfare or in debt. I draw from SS and medicare and find it great, but, we would survive without it, yet, we paid into it and it allows us, my husband and I, to pay some towards our kids needs and grandkids need, like college, food, etc.. Never forget what would happen to America if a repub was president and was put in the position to add new Justices to the Supreme Court???!!!!! Heaven help those that my generation, ancient, has brought into this world and are floundering and the repubs only care about Wall Street. Have you seen how the Market hit 300 for a high today. What's with that? It won't help most of the 99ers.......