People who lie around by the pool drawing dividend checks;
Kids of above-mentioned people.
Kids whose parents are wealthy and spoil them and pay others to do everything for them. I've met college students like that. I knew a bank president that played golf at least once a week during the work week. He called it business development. He didn't finish college, but since his daddy was Chairman of the board, he got to avoid the usual path to bank presidency. He delegated any projects that required real mental consideration.
I've worked in poor schools. Most of the kids have a parent working, and the kids know it.quite a few of them have responsibilities at home for looking after siblings, etc.
Newt is a gasbag. And if his 12 year old granddaughter saved enough money in eight months to buy an iPad, then she must be drawing a pretty big allowance. Or maybe her parents are paying her to clean toilets in school? Yeah, right.