Fortunately, the republican primary is giving all of us an opportunity to find out. The good news is that this experience, unlike the real thing, will not be traumatic, in fact it will be quite euphoric and yes, it will be televised.
The passengers on the train know there is big trouble ahead and they keep trying to find a way to save themselves. They know they must choose someone to head up the rescue but there seem to be nobody remotely capable of doing the job. The great irony is that they are the ones responsible for their own dilemma. They used seriously flawed criteria to make their choice. Now they have ruled out the most of the unqualified, along with some fairly qualified (think Huntsman) people and they have to make the best of a really bad situation.
The great news for us is they are leaning towards Gingrich or Romney to lead them. While it is difficult to decide which one is the worse choice I think my money would be on Gingrich. The even better news for us is that nobody on the train agrees with me and they seem to be on their way to choosing possibly the worst nominee in their party's history. Maureen Dowd wrote a great article ( summarizing the real Newt Gingrich and it is a must read article if you really want to enjoy watching this disaster happen.
I never watch republican conventions but I may tape it so I can enjoy some of the highlights. I can hardly wait.