by Hunter
No! Bad Time magazine! Bad
Jon Meacham!
The Myth of the Stature Gap: Could Newt Be the Next FDR?
No. I'm sorry for this, but if you don't catch columnists in the act, they never learn. The entirety of Meacham's brief argument is that a lot of people hate Newt Gingrich's guts, but a lot of people hated FDR too, so hey, maybe Newt would make a great president like FDR. No, really.
Some of the more picturesque rubble amidst the resulting devastation:
It is a perennial lament, one we are hearing anew as the Republican nomination race closes in on the actual casting of votes, and every candidate appears small if not fatally flawed. The past always seems somehow more golden, more serious, than the present.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that a presidential season that has seen the likes of Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann all hailed as reasonable choices for President of the United States is, in fact, less serious than the norm. Note that I am not even including perennial crackpot Ron Paul in that mix, because compared to Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and the guy who didn't know China already has nuclear weapons, crackpot Ron Paul is more serious.
Franklin Roosevelt was hated by a large number of Americans in real time; some people actually celebrated when word came of his death in April 1945.
Yes, we call those people Newt Gingrich's "base."
moreWelcome to the
parallel universe, where the "
apprenti" long for opportunity they only dreamed of in their
Make it stop!