Today -- right now -- tens of thousands of unemployed workers and many more supporters are flooding Congress with phone calls and messages urging immediate action to renew the full federal unemployment insurance program for 2012. You can also call 1-888-245-3381 toll-free!
Call your Members of Congress right now! Unemployed workers and supporters are speaking out nationwide in a National Call-in & Action Day for jobs and renewal of federal unemployment insurance.
Thousands are gathering for a Vigil for the Jobless and Jobs on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Together with labor, faith and community group supporters, unemployed workers are gathering for similar events across the country. Find an event near you. Or, if you can't make it to an event, you can send email messages to Congressional leaders in both parties and to your Members of Congress. More than 70,000 messages have been sent already.
Congress has only a scant seven days left on its official session calendar this year, and expiration of the federal unemployment insurance program is looming on December 31. If Congress fails to act, nearly 2 million unemployed workers will be cut off of federal unemployment benefits in the month of January alone. Millions more would be cut off in subsequent months -- more than 6 million during 2012. That would be catastrophic, not only for millions of jobless workers and families, but failure to renew the program would trigger the loss of an estimated half a million more jobs.