A hundred years ago my city fathers went after free speech hard. It became an affront against local laws to actually set up a box, and step on it and start talking within a six block area. (Yes, that is still in the books, technically, so today my local occupiers, using a tad of street theater, broke the law, THAT law). Anyhow, for six months the city, and the Wobblies went back and forth on this. People were arrested, and then refused bail and the courts were clogged. You could call it an occupation.
Today my local Occupy presented to the city a proposal to reform a very specific piece of the city code that is being abused in order to arrest them. Yep, you are an occupier and you register voters, you are encroaching. You are an occupier and place your backpack on the ground, you are encroaching... you put a cup of coffee... well you get the picture. It is being used to stifle free speech... and political activity.
The occupiers have a legal team, and they did file in Federal Court. While the court found against them, it also was specific that the police was interpreting this muni code too broadly. So they are keeping track of all this crap. (Oh so far 200 arrests, 30 actual charged)... And they plan to go back to show to the Judge that nope, the city is not wiling to obey the federal ruling either.
And today they approached the city with an actual ballot proposal to amend this very specific city code. No, it's not just about occupy. You see, the city could also use it, as written right now, to arrest labor or other peaceful picketers in any PUBLIC space. So today they went to the city clerk and put this in. It will be considered next week as a regular agenda item, as in Wednesday at nine in the morning.
Now to all those bemoaning the lack of action or worst. Why is it that you are not getting news of this? (I am sure this is happening in one way or another around the country)... care to guess how much elite press was there? If you guessed close to zero, you'd be correct. I just filed, but it was me, and my husband, playing photographer. That was it. And as is I am risking a relapse of a pretty bad cold by covering this... but any other media? Nope... I mean there is no blood, there is no action, and this is as interesting as the city water works... or paint dry. Think about it... it does not bleed, goes into the circular filing...
Now this is well beyond the Occupy movement... realize that our modern media relies on hits, and actual things that draw eyes to... so having a reporter on a regular city water works beat is not done any more. Most press agencies do not have enough reporters. As is I heard a joke that applies. when the Huff Post sends reporters to the Water Works wake me up. And this is the role of the media in a democracy... so if you wonder why there is a certain level of well, corruption at the local water works, or city council... there you have it... but you will surely learn of the latest car wreck, or house fire. The police blotter used to be the police blotter, not the distraction blotter. Today it functions as a distraction blotter, and as a former medic I enjoy those stories... but realize they are like sugary snacks... not really nutritious.
Things that matter and at times take time no longer get the resources... period. And there is a reason for that... muckracking journalism could uncover something that you might want to keep under wraps if you are part of the governing elite.
I mean my local occupiers also tried AGAIN to meet with the Mayor. Anybody wants to lay odds on the president of the local chamber of commerce getting an interview on a last minute basis?
Other things they are planning... well getting money out of politics is a top priority. There is a state wide petition in the works. They will, most likely, gather signatures for it and canvas. That is on the agenda for Saturday's GA... and in spite of my cold I got 20 or so pages of legalese to go through... there will be a story there as well. One that chances are my local major news media will studiously avoid... it goes against the idea that they are actually organized and have an agenda. Now I am considering a damn nap... this cold is killing me.
And yes I did bundle up, even in sunny san diego... and yes we were all joking today, since half the people were sick, that this was the occupy flu... our lungs got occupied...
A little occupy humor...