how the super pacts effect politics the times record had an excellent editorial in the 1/06 2012 edition;the title was "mob mentality" to long to type the whole piece but here is an outline: well armed super pac henchmen-legally detached from the candidates,but devoted to their campaigns-engage in a vicious turf war. these hired guns use attack ads,mailers and internet scare tactics in their character assassinations. super pacs are political action committees that operate separately from each candidates campaign,there-by avoiding reporting requirements-and ethical questions related to taking responsibility for the political equivalent of gangland beat downs. these proxy assassins emphasize the fact that this year's presidential contest is between political machines,not individuals. welcome to the land of free speech, bought and paid for by anonymous corporate syndicates. and protected by justices Roberts,Scalia,Thomas,Alito and Kennedy! pretty much says it all! WHITEHOUSE IN 2012
of course it matters who appoints the judges!