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Pres. Obama Gets The Most Votes In Dixville Notch: Results For All

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Me. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-10-12 12:33 AM
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Pres. Obama Gets The Most Votes In Dixville Notch: Results For All
Edited on Tue Jan-10-12 12:34 AM by Me.
“Residents in the small town of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire were the first to cast ballots in the state's presidential primary election just after midnight on Tuesday.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman each won 2 votes of the 9 cast in the contest. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) each received 1 vote. Three Democratic ballots were cast for President Barack Obama.

According to the Associated Press, the group of 9 registered voters in Dixville Notch comprised three Republicans, two Democrats and four undeclared voters.

Dixville Notch has voted first in the state's primary election since 1960. Town clerk Rick Erwin told Granite State-based station WMUR ahead of the contest, "It's great that they respect the tradition."

HuffPost's Mark Blumenthal reports on the latest polls out on the race for the Republican presidential nomination in New Hampshire:”…cont…

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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-10-12 03:08 AM
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1. you beat me to it. see, DU2 isnt dead.
I find it hilarious that Pres. O got more votes of support than Romney. I am certain that Romney is going to be an even weaker candidate than McCain. oh, don't get me wrong, he will be on commercials constantly and they'll say its close, but in the end people will vote for Mittens more softly than for the president. Romney is a creepy robot and I can't see many people being excited by his candidacy.
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Hokie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-10-12 08:40 AM
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2. Wait, I thought Henry Accornero and Orly Taitz got President Obama kicked off the ballot?
I suppose not? :evilgrin:
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No Elephants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-11-12 06:32 AM
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3. I guess being an incumbent President who ran unopposed is worth an extra vote.
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