Failing that, you could save a stock reply somewhere, linking to a story about his having released his birth certificate (shortly before he announced that we finally got Osama) and to a few of the lawsuits having been dismissed, including the one where the judge gave Orly what for.
And then, the next time you see a maroon post, you can just copy and paste.
Also, the Constitution says nothing about parenthood, the wording being about "natural born" citizen. While the SCOTUS has never defined that term in a case where the meaning of the term was at issue vis a vis Article II, it has said that being born in a country has always been understood to confer citizenship. (Never said it was the only way to confer citizenship, or McCain, who was born in Panama of American parents, would have been SOL.)
All the rest of immigration rules come from Congress, but they have nothing to do with the meaning of "natural born citizen" under the meaning of Article II of the SCOTUS.
By the way, Paul Revere's Daddy was born in France, so does that mean Paul Revere, a member of the real Tea Party, was not an American citizen?
(Okay, that was a trick question: The Constitution had a special clause about those living in the U.S. when the Constitution was adopted.)