Edited on Tue Dec-22-09 05:15 PM by rhombus
There are a few Dem senators from big pharma states - Carper, Kaufman, Lautenburg, Menendez, etc who strongly objected to drug importation in the health care bill. If drug importation was included in the final legislation as Sen. Carper stated during the Finance committee health care meetings, he wouldn't vote for the bill. That's one crucial Dem vote we couldn't afford to lose.
The good news in all this is that a separate drug importation bill by the House and senate would pass easily, and the White House with Reid and Pelosi's nod have indicated that they would push for a standalone importation bill early next year. The White House had to give cover to other Dems like Franken, Mikulski, Kerry, etc. to vote against Dorgan's amendment in order to ensure that the health care bill had a chance of passage.