U.S. Reps. Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart of Miami have pulled their endorsement of Gov. Charlie Crist for the U.S. Senate.
Lincoln offered few details as to why, just that Crist had "left us no alternative and he knows why."
He said the withdrawal has nothing to do with Crist's slumping poll numbers, and in fact, the decision was made weeks ago. But their names were only recently pulled off Crist's Web page. He said the two Miami Republicans are unlikely to endorse anyone else in the race.
The surprising decision is the latest bit of bad news to sack Crist, whose poll numbers have dropped as opponent Marco Rubio's have surged. The withdrawn endorsement is doubly surprising, considering the closeness between Crist and Mario Diaz-Balart. The two served together in the Florida Senate and were always chummy.
In case you forgot, here's what the congressmen had to say about Crist back when they supported him (thank you, Google's "cache" service):
Mario: "Charlie Crist understands that freedom is under attack and it must be protected with clarity and firmness by the United States. He will be an effective senator for Florida. I strongly support him."