Feel free to plagiarize in part or whole. I just sent it:
http://www.whitehouse.gov/contactPresident Obama,
Give us real health care reform for Christmas.
You have let the most corrupt members of the Democratic Party have their fun, now tell them to sit down, shut up, and vote for the real change that an overwhelming majority of Americans support: a public option that anyone can buy into and an expansion of Medicare. Better yet, combine the two, and expand the ages eligible for Medicare every couple of years.
That kind of policy would be wildly popular to a degree that would more than make up for what Democrats would lose in donations from insurance companies.
You have the power to shut down the Blue Dogs and DLC since you have clearly done so to the more progressive members of of the Democratic caucus.
Do not reward those who have caused so much financial damage, unnecessary suffering and even deaths by giving them coerced customers.
Do not let congress put corruption before good policy and the will of the people.
Give us the change we voted for, not the change that corporate America thinks is for sale.