We need to have a serious discussion about the way DU is administered in regards to its gay community. It has been a conversation that has been stifled, silenced, and disappeared without any recourse, any fairness, or any valued gay perspective in the way our community is bullied, hammered, and held down for the entertainment and brutal pleasure of people who have enjoyed gay-baiting and queer-bashing on DU for far too long.
Here are some questions for the admins.
Do the admins ever wonder why LGBT threads look like swiss cheese?
Why are pro-equality posts inflammatory, but broad scale attacks on the LGBT community acceptable, reasoned disagreement?
Why are posters who have a history of years of trolling LGBT topics allowed to remain, but LGBT posters who get just a tiny bit too heated in defending their very lives and equality given far less allowance and TSed at the drop of a hat?
How homophobic does someone have to be to earn an actual sanction or tomb stoning? I think I saw a homophobe TSed once for, literally, calling gay men pedophiles. That's apparently as extreme as it needs to be.
Is bumper stickerism the official DU policy for LGBT issues? For example, is it official policy that as long as a poster says "I support equality" and then goes on to post scores, if not hundreds, of negative posts directed at the LGBT community, their bumper sticker provides sufficient immunity to sanction? Can I say "I love Martians!" and then never say a single positive thing about them and still be considered pro-Martian in the eyes of DU's administrators?
Will LGBTers ever be ably represented in the adminning/moderating aspect of the site? We have mods and admins who will go to the mat on various issues and the President, but we have no one at all like that on LGBT issues. In fact, we have straight moderators and admins going to great lengths to let gay people know what is and is not homophobic. Will that ever change, or are you happy with that state of affairs?
DU has a reputation online for being very hostile to LGBT people. The LGBT population on DU has plummeted in the past two years. LGBT posters have been TSed with a ruthlessness I cannot honestly say has been applied to any other group. The GLBT forum is a shadow of what it once was.
Do the admins ever engage in self-reflection here, on how their privilege and perspective colors this state of affairs, contributes to the hostility, and takes part in a culture that makes LGBT people feel like outcasted crap?
Does it get better for LGBTers on DU, or is this the best the admins are ever going to offer? This high grade hostility to our lives and equality?
What say you?