-- Two years ago, when senior U.S. intelligence officials figured out where the man they thought might be hiding Osama bin Laden was living, they were astounded.
It was a $1 million complex, in an affluent neighborhood of mostly military retirees 35 miles north of Islamabad in Pakistan.
The man they'd been looking for -- one of bin Laden's trusted couriers -- had been known to them for many years but only by a nom-de-guerre provided by a detainee being held by the United States. Four years ago, they figured out his real name; two years ago, they got a handle on where he lived.
And it was that compound, built in 2005, that they soon came to believe was built to house bin Laden. In a tale that is fit for a spy novel, four senior administration officials outlined late Sunday how the military raid that killed the world's most notorious terrorist came together.
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