So Osama was living in a huge walled compound in the city of Abbottabad, Pakistan that was built in 2005 for bin Laden right next to
a Pakistani military academy. :grr:
let us go over 9/11 one more time
The Saudis provided the men and the money
The UAE did the banking
The ISI aka Pakistan's Intel group provided the intelligence
And Iraq had nothing to do with it all., he was killed in Abbottabad, a city of about 500,000, in a large and highly secured compound that, a resident of the city said, sits virtually
adjacent to the grounds of a military academy. In an ironic twist, the academy was visited just last month by the Pakistani military chief, Gen. Ashfaq
Parvez Kayani, where he proclaimed that Pakistan had “cracked” the forces of terrorism, an assessment that was greeted with skepticism in Washington.
In addition, the city hosts numerous Pakistani forces — three different regiments, and a unit of the Army Medical Corps. According to some reports,
the compound and its elaborate walls and security gates may have been built specifically for the Qaeda leader in 2005, hardly an obscure undertaking
in a part of the city that the resident described as highly secure. you zoom in and take N35 north out of town you will see the Army College .... bin laden was living right next door.