ABC just reported on GMA that they have video of the raid on OBL's compound.
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Mon May-02-11 07:03 AM
Original message |
ABC just reported on GMA that they have video of the raid on OBL's compound. |
They will be broadcasting it shortly. Reported that computer hard drives were taken during the raid.
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Mon May-02-11 07:05 AM
Response to Original message |
1. Oh goodie; I wonder where they got it? Maybe this is proof |
provided by the military? Anything that makes the conspiracy theorists zip their lips sounds good to me.
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Mon May-02-11 07:06 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
Bad enough to have to deal with the Freeper conspiracies, but we've got quite a few of our own going on this board.... Sigh...
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Mon May-02-11 07:07 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. you know they know they have to have evidence.... nt |
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Mon May-02-11 07:15 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
We're already seeing it here on DU...somehow either bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 or was some innocent bystander rather than the mastermind of the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11 as well as countless others going back to the first FTC bombing. I'm glad he's been smoked. Personally I would have liked him brought to justice and have had him had to face another family who lost someone that day but I'll settle with a world with one less mass murderer in it.
Still...those who think 9/11 as an inside job will find more threads to go chasing after and those who hate this President will either give the credit to the previous regime or somehow paint President Obama as some murderer.
Nope...they won't zip lips. Making political points matter more...
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Mon May-02-11 07:22 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
11. Nothing can stop conspiracy theorists |
Edited on Mon May-02-11 07:23 AM by dems_rightnow
You gotta know better than that.
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Mon May-02-11 07:25 AM
Response to Reply #11 |
12. Some conspiracy theorists are just |
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Mon May-02-11 10:36 AM
Response to Reply #11 |
18. hey i'm not a "conspiracy theorists" |
Edited on Mon May-02-11 10:41 AM by Amaya
but my first rule, whatever the "government" says... question the shit out of it first.
they tell me they killed the boogeyman. now everything is fine. go back to sleep my little sheep. :patriot:
Renew Deal
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Mon May-02-11 10:40 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
20. It was created in the moon landing studio |
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Mon May-02-11 07:06 AM
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Probably in HD video and Dolby(tm) Surround Sound.
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Mon May-02-11 07:07 AM
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5. gotta fly in the camera team in early |
to get the best angles.
It is not news unless we have video? What a sick idea.
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Mon May-02-11 07:09 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Visit some of the other threads here where people? have |
been busily trying to assert that there is something fishy going on or hint that perhaps it did not happen. Place stinks of troll this morning.
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Mon May-02-11 10:39 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
19. Get video proof or hold onto the body, defying Islamic law. |
Which would you choose?
And it's not exactly a new development for the military to video just about everything they do.
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Mon May-02-11 07:16 AM
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8. The opposite of the Zapruder film!!!!!! |
Ian David
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Mon May-02-11 07:17 AM
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Mon May-02-11 08:33 AM
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Mon May-02-11 07:21 AM
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10. is this like saving private ........ again |
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Mon May-02-11 07:35 AM
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Edited on Mon May-02-11 07:36 AM by undeterred
Wow, 40 minutes of killing and they had time to take out hard drives and get the body. Impressive.
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Mon May-02-11 07:38 AM
Response to Reply #13 |
14. Boy, that is cynical. |
Apparently the SEALs built a mock up of that house and practiced the raid. I'm certain they are trained to retrieve any source of intelligence possible when conducting a raid.
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Mon May-02-11 10:31 AM
Response to Reply #14 |
16. Removing hard drives after a huge firefight? |
Knowing where to look for everything? In 40 minutes?
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Mon May-02-11 10:41 AM
Response to Reply #16 |
21. I believe it's called "intelligence". |
Impressive to see it in action, is it not?
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Mon May-02-11 10:41 AM
Response to Reply #16 |
22. If a computer is on a table or a desk, I think it is safe to say that |
a hard drive is likely in it. No? Computers aren't exactly microscopic items.
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Mon May-02-11 10:45 AM
Response to Reply #16 |
The best we've got. And, this was apparently the top team of SEALs. Literally, the best of the best. I bet the gunfight was over in 10-15 minutes and the rest of it was spent confiscating evidence.
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Mon May-02-11 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #24 |
25. 40 minutes is a heck of a long time |
if you really think about it. Sounds like there were just a handful or two there. They were unprepared for the sneak attack likely. The Seals are trained to work fast. I don't think OBL had any clue.
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Mon May-02-11 10:54 AM
Response to Reply #25 |
the malfunctioning helicopter likely gave them more of a heads up than what the SEALs planned. But even with that, they were still overwhelmed. You had 24 SEALs going against 4 men and one woman. On paper it looks like it should be a quick defeat, and that's exactly how it played out despite the helicopter problem.
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Mon May-02-11 10:45 AM
Response to Reply #13 |
23. They Will Find George Bush on OBL Christmas card List |
| doubt on the hard drives....
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Mon May-02-11 10:35 AM
Response to Original message |
17. I know they said there was no internet or phone lines |
to the building, but if they did have computers and stuff perhaps we can glean useful information from them for future intelligence. That would be a good thing.
Nye Bevan
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Mon May-02-11 10:56 AM
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27. Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do, |
what you gonna do when they come for you....
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