Why on earth would health insurers compete for the business of people older than 65, the very population group with the greatest health risks, representing potentially huge “losses,” in insurance parlance, for chronic and acute care? The furious efforts of health insurers to deny claims, often falsely and dishonorably, for the under-65 population leave no doubt of their lack of interest in subscribers with even greater risks.
Nyack, N.Y., April 24, 2011
The “real choice” would be securing the future of Medicare once and for all by extending it to cover everyone. Through its proven formula of global budgeting and federal bulk-purchasing power, it is the best way to effectively control costs while ensuring that we change our broken health care system from one based on ability to pay to one based on patient need.
Executive Director
National Nurses United
Oakland, Calif., April 25, 2011
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