31, 2010
Republican Right Silent on Real Arizona Health Care Death Panel
Charles Grassley led the propaganda charge when it came to accusing the Obama Administration of intending to create a health care death panel. It is interesting to observe the stony silence of the senator from Iowa as well as that of his colleagues when a very real death panel has reared its ugly head in Arizona.
The high octane fuel that the Republican right runs on is propaganda and with it the concomitant byproduct of hypocrisy. The name of the game is to keep accusations toward the opposition spinning while maintaining a bogus holier than thou attitude.
Such was the case with scores of issues designed to appeal to the pro-life religious right base. One of the most heinous examples in recent memory was the conduct of the Bush brothers in the Terry Schiavo tragedy. A loving husband, insisting that he was carrying out his wife's expressed wish, sought to bring a comatose life with no prospect of recovery to a humane end.
Here is where the Republican right wing propaganda stream kicks into high gear. Given the selected group's training, the religious right's indoctrination into watching Fox News has sufficiently programmed the designated group.
Josef Mengele would be proud.