I was listening to Limbaugh's show at work today which is the first time I have done this for a long time. The reason is I was curious how Limpballs would respond to the fact that Obama did in two years what Bush couldn't do in seven. Well that was completely expected, the reason Obama was able to kill Osama Bin Laden was all thanks to the Bush administration. He even suggested that Obama came out announcing the death of Bin Laden at the time slot that he did just to piss off Donald Trump by cutting in to the apprentice. Well obivously, we all know the world revolves around Trump and Obama should have waited till after the Celebrity Apprentice to announce a historic event.
All that was expected. What I was more surprised by is a comment he made about gas prices since I remember when him and other Republican apologists were blaming Democrats for the high gas prices in 2008. Limbaugh during his rant said that in 2012 killing Osama Bin Laden will not make up for the fact that gas prices are $4 or even $5 a gallon around election time which is the fault of Obama.
I do not have a transcript from today's show since it's still going but here is Limbaugh blaming Obama for high gas prices at the end of March:
So the question becomes: Will the media ignoring the rise in gas prices be able to keep that from becoming a major factor in people's minds over the economy and Obama's role in it? Remember, now, everything is focused on the reelection in 2012.
Whether the media is telling us every day how high it's going, and whether the media does stories on the pain and suffering, or not, remember during the Bush years we got all kinds of stories about the pain and suffering and people couldn't go visit family and single parents couldn't see their kids (or divorced parents), because of the high price of gas. We heard about all the ancillary effects of the leisure industry, all of the destruction brought about by rising gas prices. We're not gonna get that with Obama in the White House, but will it matter? 'Cause the public's gonna feel it. There's no way you can it will 'em it's not happening. You can ignore that it's happening if you're the media, but there's no way you can tell people it isn't happening.
Got it? The high gas prices, which started going through the roof at the beginning of this year, are all Obama's fault. I found this a bit odd since in 2008 after gas prices hit $4 a gallon Limbaugh didn't blame Bush, he blamed the fact that Democrats took control of the house in 2006. From his show in May 2008:
"Richard Gephardt, another Clinton supporter, won the strongest ovation at the Missouri State Democrat Convention, when he said this: 'George Bush is, by far, the worst person who's ever been president of the United States. Gasoline is $4 a gallon, on its way to $8 a gallon, and this man sits there, clueless.' "
Hey, Little Dick, all well and good, but these gas prices didn't start going through the roof till your buddies took over the House in 2006. And remember, this is supposedly why we elected Democrats to the House of Representatives two years ago. They were going to fix this. They had a plan to bring gas prices down, and we haven't seen the plan, Little Dick. Sit there and blame it on Bush. I mean, through six years of the Bush administration, oil was low, gas was low for the most part. Only when the Democrats got in there did the world markets panic and start going through the roof.
Yet when Republicans took over the house and gas prices went over $4 a gallon almost instantly Limbaugh didn't seem to notice. Here is what Limbaugh said in 2005 when gas prices were going through the roof and Limbaugh didn't yet have an opportunity to blame Democrats since Republicans back then controlled the house, the senate, and the white house:
LIMBAUGH: So, I mean, I, I'm, I'm not in anybody's back pocket. I'm not making excuses. I'm just telling you -- just as the price for things go up and the price for things go down -- the same thing happens in oil. Oil price goes up, it comes down. Gasoline prices go up, it comes down. It's coming down right now. I could have understood, I could have more understood this level of outrage if the price were still averaging $2.85 or 3 bucks a gallon, but it's down to -- it, it's, -- what is it $2.25 now for unleaded regular? It's coming down.
So when you can't blame Democrats for high gas prices then those high prices are totally expected market forces, nobody is to blame for that. When you can blame Democrats then it's all the fault of the Democrats.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Limbaugh was right then and I don't think he would be right today if somehow he popped a few too many pills and actually decided to be consistent for once in his life by blaming the Republicans for these high gas prices, as he did with Democrats in 2008. What bugs me is that with example after example showing that these people, wether it's Limbaugh or Beck or Hannity, stand for absolutely nothing they still still have millions of viewers/listeners for their shows. You would think the idiots that listen to this crap would realize that their only goal is to divide the country in to left vs right so that we don't notice that it is assholes such as Limbaugh that are screwing us over.