no, not that one...
"Good morning Mr. Phelps. The man you see before you is Donald Trump, a supposedly wealthy real estate magnate living in New York City with a long history of questionable business dealings and publicity-seeking escapades. It has been determined that he poses a threat to the opposition party by making over-the-top accusations of the President of the United States, thus discrediting his Party for the upcoming general election. Your job, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to stop Trump, embarass him in the Press, and destroy his chances of becoming a political force. Should you or any of your IM force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of you or your actions. This tape will self-destruct in seven seconds. Good luck, Jim.
Great show this week! Barney pretends he's the President and convinces the Hawaii Secretary of State to release his long-form birth certificate and Rollin Hand and Jim lead a group of SEAL's to Pakistan where they kill an evil terrorist. The IM force then distributes millions of cards which read, "Sorry it took so long to hand over the Birth Certificate, I was busy killing Osama bin Laden."
Final shot: Trump's face looking up from the card knowing that he is doomed. Cue theme music...