I work at the Oceana Naval Air Station, so naturally it wouldn't surprise me if I had passed by some SEAL members who could have carried out such an important and successful mission :-) One of my classmates at ODU from way back just happened to have been a SEAL--very cool guy, he was smart, funny, very friendly to the whole class. I don't know if he was involved, but I'm damn glad they got the job done!
Now from what I've been reading here on DU, there are members who seem to disagree about people celebrating OBL's death. And maybe a few who didn't like the idea of the SEALS killing him (and would have preferred to have him go on trial). This man had his followers fly jumbo jets into skyscrapers and the Pentagon. He sent suicide bombers into the USS Cole. two US embassies, and countless other attacks against innocent people around the world. OBL was EVIL. And no measure of enlightenment would have spared anyone if his goons had you on the chomping block or in their sights.
So people aorund the world have every right to celebrate! Because OBL was hellbent of killing and destroying ALL of us, without a moment's hesitation. I also happen to be a Soka Gakkai Buddhist, and one of our principles is the obtainment of world peace. BUT when you're faced with such an evil person and you have an opportunity to stop him once and for all, letting him off the hook out of some misplaced sense of compassion doesn't make sense. I only wish the SEALS could have found him sooner :-)