Jon Stewart's reaction to bin Laden's death
I am way too close to this whole episode to be rational about this in any way, shape, or form. Last night was a good night for me. And not just for New York or D.C. or America, but for human people.
The face of the Arab world in America's eyes for too long has been bin Laden, and now it is not. Now, the face is only the young people in Egypt, and Tunisia, and all the Middle Eastern countries around the world where freedom rises up.Al-Qaeda's opportunity is gone. Al-Qaeda's opportunity is gone. For the last 10 years, al-Qaeda had the world's attention. They apparently wanted an ideology competition, and for all of our rights and wrongs, and the world's rights and worngs, all al-Qaeda seems to have come up with is, "Uh, all right, we'll kill some Americans. How about killing some British people? Uh, maybe bombing Yemen or something. Shoe bomb doesn't work? How about an underwear bomb?" They have nothing.
Can they still do damage? I'm sure. But we're back, baby. I went on Google Earth last night, take a look at the time-lapse footage of our Southern coast.
Not only did we get fully erect, our testicles descended.