Governor Scott Walker campaigned as the “nice guy” who carried his lunch in a brown paper bag, a regular guy who just wanted to cut state spending. That, apparently resonated with the electorate. After the election, Wisconsin met the real Scott Walker.
Governor Walker stated that Wisconsin was broke, yet in his first month in office he signed tax cuts for corporations that would put the state $117 million deeper in the hole. This caught the attention of the Wall St. Journal who exposed his “we're broke” story as mere political grandstanding.
I'm sure he did want to cut spending, but apparently not on his corporate friends. Walker is clearly far more interested in making political hay than he is in sound fiscal policy.
His “Budget Repair Bill”, was about stripping union members of their rights, not fiscal responsibility. It was part of the GOP strategy to de-fund the Democratic party by crushing unions. But the most insidious effect of the Wisconsin bill and others like it, was the political climate it created. Rich vs. poor, discrimination against women, disenfranchisement of people of color,--- it was about class warfare.
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