Should the President's Power to Make Recess Appointments Be Reconsidered?
By You Decide
Published December 30, 2010 |
President Obama has used his power to make recess appointments to fill six vacant positions, including the appointment of James Cole, a friend of Attorney General Eric Holder, whose nomination has been held up by Republicans over Cole's views on the Sept. 11 attacks. The constitutional power to make recess appointments dates back to the early days of the United States, when the Senate could recess for many months, and the president needed the power to fill critical posts until the Senate reconvened -- but the new Congress, the 112th, convenes in just a week, on Jan. 5.
Share your thoughts. Answer our question, then click "Leave a Comment." -- It's a power that's critical to the president's ability to run the country.
Possibly -- I agree it's an important presidential power, but I think it's been abused.
Yes -- It's clearly been abused, and Obama's just the latest to do so. It's time to change this power.
82.17% (35,799 votes)Undecided -- I think it's been abused, but I also think we have more important things to worry about.
Other (post a comment)