Public service workers are not the problem.
Attacking public service workers will not create jobs.
Attacking public service workers will not solve the problem of trying to save the vital public services that so many rely on.
The only thing attacking public service workers does is
divert attention from the real culprits of our country's economic troubles and inequality: You, greedy Wall Street CEOs, politicians in Washington who turn a blind eye, and all right-wing talking heads who spin lies.When you attack public employees you are attacking the very folks whose work you benefit from — from providing basic public safety, to fixing potholes in the roads you drive on, to making sure clean water runs from your tap.
No more. It's time to stop the lies.
On the front page, cable news and talk radio, public service workers are under attack every day. Enough is enough. It's time for us to fight back. Join us by adding your name to our open letter., the former publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote a column saying Public Employee Pensions had "metastasized into grotesque shadows of their initial good intention." He blamed workers' pensions for all kinds of things and pushed private savings plans as the future of retirement.
That just doesn't make sense.
So AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Lee Saunders set the record straight by demonstrating that pensions make sense while privatized retirement accounts put retirees at risk. He also made it clear that AFSCME would aggressively go after those who are "eager to do the bidding of the Wall Street firms that profit at the expense of workers."
The campaign calls out Right-Wing mistruths on issues such as Social Security, the deficit and tax cuts for the very wealthy.
We will use every communications tool at our disposal to dispel the myths and reveal the hypocrisy.
It won't be easy - even as we begin, Beck falsely claims AFSCME is part of a conspiracy to
silence right-wing media.
But we are good at standing up and fighting.
And what's at stake for Working Families is nothing less than the future.§ion=Article