With the advent of the nuclear bomb at the end of WWII, world leaders, the ones who truly make the decisions (Winston Churchill called them the High Cabal) recognized that they couldn't engage in true, all out war anymore. To do so was to risk unleashing all out nuclear war, thus making most of the world uninhabitable.
Enter the War on Nouns. Even before WWII was done, the US and other Allied powers were positioning themselves so as to be in opposition to the Soviet Union, their erstwhile ally. On the day that Japan surrendered, the war material that had been accumulated at the harbor on Okinawa for the invasion of Japan was split up and shipped out. Half was shipped to Ho Chi Min in Vietnam, the other half to Korea, enough material to equip and provision 150,000 soldiers each.
Our decisions about the Soviet Union were made with information supplied almost exclusively by former Nazi war criminals, people who virulently hated communism. Soon, they, along with the propaganda machine at home, whipped up a frenzy about the Soviet threat. Soon, we were embarked upon our first war on a noun, the War on Communism.
This wasn't a necessary war, but it did serve its true purpose. It could be contained and controlled, not leading to all out war that would risk nuclear war. It also ate up material and provisions, making enormous sums for those in the MIC. Better yet, it lasted for decades, until the Soviet Union collapsed in the early nineties.
This collapse caught the powers that be by surprise, but soon they were able to provide a stopgap solution, namely the War on Drugs. Already a simmering back burner item that was primarily being used to reduce political opposition on the left, it was soon employed to militarize our police forces, reduce our civil liberties, and make large quantities of money for the powers that be. The trouble was, it simply didn't make enough money.
Thus was born the War on Terror. Already a low level simmering affair before 911, after 911 it has become the biggest show in town, possibly the biggest show ever. Spanning across continents, and effecting people both at home and abroad, the War on Terror is the perfect war. It eats up enormous quantities of material, it allows the government to further crack down on the civil liberties at home, and it creates its own enemies in perpetuity. What could be better?
Sure, it is bankrupting this country, but TPTB (or as R. Buckminster Fuller described them, the invisible power structure, or as Dick Cheney noted, the shadow government) don't care. In their Malthusian/Social Darwinistic plans, large number of people dying is fine, even just. They are already taken care of, provided for, and if this country collapses, hey, they've got other homes around the world.
Thus, we are stuck with perpetual war, a War on Nouns. It is going to consume and subsume us, it is going to be our undoing. Already we are starting to see some of the major damage done to this country by the latest incarnation of the War on Nouns.
So what is to be done? That is the question. The answers aren't easy, and they are all quiet dangerous. But what is certain is this. Somehow, we the people have to wrestle our government back from the grasp of these powers that be. We have to, once again, put power, real power, back into the hands of the people. Perhaps one method of doing this peacefully is to provide publicly funded elections as mandatory for all candidates, from dog catcher to president. Other solutions call for revolution and violence, watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots.
But whatever the case, it is becoming increasingly clear, whatever we do has to be done quickly. Our time is running short, our country has been, after sixty five years, bled nearly dry. We cannot continue down the path we're on without inflicting ever more serious damage on our country, our society, our people.
We have to end this War on Nouns, once and for all. Otherwise, it will end us.