Edited on Sun Jan-02-11 10:14 AM by grahamhgreen
If a non-profit website like Wikileaks has the info, you can be sure that every intelligence community in the world had the info years earlier.
The only people Wikileaks are really informing is We the People!
What this really does is point out the embarrassing lack of security at the upper echelons of our intelligence community. Actually it does a great service to us; it serves as a red flag to our own people that they really need to tighten up their protocols.
The Govt is claiming that one person had access to release hundreds of thousands of documents, videos, etc..
Why would you ever give access to such a large group of secret documents to one person? How inane is that for supposedly top-secret info?
The only people who could possibly process that volume of info would be one of the intel branch heads or the president or congress. The whole point of compartmentalizing information is to keep it in small files so that this kind of event can not occur.
It was a bad system, let's hope they fixed it.
Or better yet, why not just make it a policy not to lie to the American people?