,+Barbara+Paul&source=bl&ots=S8ucHafa9R&sig=STCpIe7tCaXt6cJ57LNCNVITbUI&hl=en&ei=epkgTbzfKMO78gaDje3oDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=falseGo to Chapter 8. Half Empty or Half Full - Page 140(I recommend reading the entire chapter. I think you can load it only once so when you get it up read it because you may not be able to come back to it.)
I knew most of the people described in this chapter. And some others who are not named, like a relative of mine through marriage who testified against these crooks to save his own ass. To this day if you go to his house on the darkest night of the summer and the grass in his lawn will still be growing from the array of High Intensity Discharge Security Flood Fixtures he has hanging off his house pointed outwards. Its like daylight. He is not sure someone is going to come and get him someday for testifying. But he isn't they won't either. He has been a nervous wreck ever since testifying decades ago. I seen him over the holidays and he was popping Valiums like M&M's.
I met the corrupt Police Captain Sam Mangialardi mentioned in this chapter in an odd way once. I had stopped by my brothers house on my way to work. We both worked at the Ford Plant in Chicago Heights so I stopped to see if he wanted to grab a sandwich for lunch. He was rushing out the door as I pulled up. I said where you going? He said some cop wanted to talk to him about one of my brothers old girlfriends apartment being burglarized. His girlfriend was a cop groupie so she "knew" all the cops. I asked my brother why he needed to go to the police station to talk to some cop about something he knew nothing about? He said that is what he was going to go tell the cop. I advised him not to go but he said he told the cop he would come by and I think my brother would have naturally felt guilty now if he didn't go. So I said alright I will go with you. We get to the police station and ask for this Sam Mangialardi. He comes out into the vestibule where we were at and says come on into his office in the back and we will talk and be friends. I said better yet why don't you just ask your questions right here so we can be on our way to work? Cop didn't want none of that. He wanted my brother in the back in private by himself. I knew the corrupt fucker wanted to work him over soon as he mentioned going in the back to talk and become friends. I said to my brother lets get the fuck out of here and we left. Next thing we heard about Mangialardi was what we read about him in the newspapers when he was indicted.
First thing these most of these crooks did after getting out of Club Fed in Minnesota was to move to Phoenix, Arizona to retire. Some are still there.
I don't live in Chicago Heights any more. Its like a ghost town. Just one big parking lot.