Posted by Josh Cohen on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 2:30 PM
In the final edition of our week-long wrap up of the 111th Congress, today’s post details 10 Democratic accomplishments during the past two years that you may not have known about. Despite near constant Republican obstruction, Congress passed hundreds of bills and President Obama has issued numerous measures during the past 24 months that improve the lives of millions of people, and move our country forward.
The list below is far from comprehensive – instead, it’s a sampling of the many Democratic initiatives enacted and set in motion during the 111th Congress. These items are listed in no particular order.
1. Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
Protects public health and prohibits tobacco companies from targeting children
2. Creation of ‘Solar Energy Zones’
The Interior and Energy Departments identified suitable 'solar energy zones' on public lands to help move America toward greater energy innovation and independence
3. Veterans’ Benefits Act of 2010:
Improves employment opportunities for veterans, prevents homelessness, ensures the well-being of veterans and their families, honors fallen service members, and more
4. Food Safety Modernization Act
Overhauls America’s food safety system to helps ensure consumers are not at risk
5. Small Business Jobs Act
Promotes job creation and spurs private-sector growth
6. Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Expands national service programs and encourages more Americans to get involved in their communities
7. Human Rights Enforcement Act
Helps enforce human rights laws and improves existing laws regarding genocide and child soldier recruitment
8. Race to the Top Education Reform
Raises education and achievement standards though local and inter-state competition, improves teacher accountability, encourages “best practices,” supports innovative data systems, and more
9. Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
Improves standards for meal nutrition in schools and aims to reduce child obesity and hunger
10. Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act
Cut taxes for companies that hired employees who have been job hunting for 60 days or more