I've been outspoken in my criticisms of the good folks of Florida and their electing Rick Scott. Now, the crow is mine to eat. Even though California avoided the worst of the Red-State, TeaBagging debacle by our electing a largely Blue Slate for key officers, we still have our marks of shame. We still have this mono-maniacial millionaire miscreant in a key position - he's now head of a committee with subpoena power. If you think Ken Starr and his minions created havoc, wait til Unca D does his thing. As new Chair of the House Oversight Committee he is totally revved up to launch a non-stop era of waste, obfuscations and stasis. He (with his money) was able to oust California Grey Davis throuh a recall - and then dumped Ah-nold into the slot. Where the fiscal woes got worse.
Now he will use the taxpayer's money to do this roadblock campaign non-stop. I have no doubt that he will have many allies: Red State corporatists and baggers will supplement his checks with their own and their corporations. Fox will trumpet each rumor and innuendo. Rush will rant and explode his gut daily. Issa is no doubt is hog heaven, wallowing in his upcoming notoriety.
I was stupid enought to think that when Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman got control of the House in 2006, THEY would dig into the Bush crimes. Reveal enough about Iraq and surveillance to wrap up those practices. NO. Impeachment was OFF THE TABLE, wasn't it Nancy?
I was stupid enough to think Obama would do some digging and accountabily too if he was elected. After all, he came from humbler routes and has a different view of the world, doesn't he? But - he tells us over and over - Americans want to look forward, not back. And so the abuses of power, lies and the war continues...along with the transfer of wealth and the death of hundreds of thousands.
Am I stupid this time to think that maybe, just maybe, Darrell Issa actually will issue those subpoenas. He's all set to look back - oh yeah! And I predict every other House chair will do likewise, lest they miss out the action and the headlines. And, if it meets with Wall Street, bankers, pentagons and Chamber of Commerce's strategic goals, Articles of Impeachment might just get voted on if they are submitted. And Issa, McConnell, the Kock-ie Bros and John of Orange will love every single minute of this ascendancy. Michelle Bachman and Scalie will teach Americans what their constitution really is - it will resemble Opus Dei and a trailer park.
And am I stupid to think that Obama and the Dems learned a lesson..?
Happy New Year, y'all. May CA-49 with it's military folks, defense contractors, retirees and Native tribes get what they deserve.