The right wing gang-rape of Florida ramps up on steroids in two more days.
A good number of people here are in despair.
Gov.-elect Rick Scott aims for bold jump-start with sweeping reformsBy Dara Kam
Palm Beach PostJanuary 1, 2011
TALLAHASSEE — Florida's schools, prisons and state government are on the verge of massive overhauls as Gov.-elect Rick Scott prepares to be sworn in Tuesday with an ambitious conservative agenda.
Scott's sweeping reforms have the business community celebrating and state workers and educators on edge in anticipation of pension reforms, an end to teacher tenure and deregulation he has pledged to jump-start as soon as he takes office.
The first-time officeholder wants to get rid of the Florida Department of Community Affairs, make state workers contribute to their pensions and vastly expand vouchers for public school students.
He would like to drug-test welfare recipients, do away with corporate income taxes and force the unemployed to work in the community after three months of receiving benefits.
And he has made no secret that he's impatient to put a halt to the business regulations and permitting he believes are part of Florida's economic struggles.
Scott, 58, said he will do whatever he can without the legislature's assistance as soon as he takes office.
"I'm going to be issuing executive orders the first day," Scott told The Palm Beach Post during a pre-inaugural celebratory tour around the state on Monday .
"Anything I can do to make something happen quickly, I'm going to make it happen quickly."
Scott points to his own meteoric rise in the health care industry as an example of what Floridians are capable of doing if state government gets out of their way.
Those "government regulations" that caught Scott's company defrauding the US Government, and forcing him to resign in disgrace and his company to repay $1.7 billion in fines to the federal government for Medicare and Medicaid fraud, are now on the chopping block by the perp himself.
nothing like giving
a criminal executive power.