My personal favorites are 1 and 4 (below):

It's the end of the year. A time when we set goals and figure out all the wonderful, positive things we want to bring into our lives.
But to hell with that. It's also a time when we should decide exactly what we DON'T want in our lives in the coming year. A time when we recognize exactly what you hated about last year and have no intention on repeating. A time when you look back and recognize that things that seemed cool to you at the time, were really just stupid.
I will share with you my personal list.
1. Sarah Palin
This woman, who was unleashed among this society by grumpy uncle John McCain has been the bain of our collective existence ever since. Between her word salad tweets, made up words, Facebook postings, screwed up kids, and her attacks on Michelle Obama for trying to keep our fat a** kids from all dying of diabetes and heart disease, Palin is one person I would like to leave behind in 2010.
4. Right-Wing Nuts/Birthers/Left-Wing Liberal Whiners
OK, we get it. For some people, the thought of a black president just infuriates you. Though you reflexively hate him simply because of the color of his skin, can you please spare the rest of us from your idiotic rationalizations of your racism? Your wacky claims that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim and your outrage and opposition to ANYTHING he says? For example: OBAMA: "The sky is blue" YOU: "No it isn't, you just want it to be blue because you are a Muslim and want to destroy America." Enough already. He's black, he's here, get over it.
On the other end of the spectrum, you die-hard liberals have no problems with a black president. But it's the part about him not being a magic king who can just wave a wand and have all your agenda items fall into place, that gets your panties in a bunch.
Look, he's not a Kenyan terrorist from Nairobi City, Hawaii NOR is he "Barack the Magic Negro." Both of you, grow up in 2011.