Edited on Sun Jan-02-11 06:22 PM by Jeffersons Ghost
There's nothing at all wrong with America. We're a happy peaceful people.
The really good thing about our country is how all the politicians in Washington D.C. have pulled together to give us such a great economy, which is one of the reasons we're all so damn happy. None of them have sold out to big-business: And none of them are corrupt.
Another great thing about our country is the way people of different races, creeds and religions get along with each other. We're all very happy and living peacefully together, with equal rights for everyone.
Wars? What wars? I haven't heard anything about us being at war. That's why we're so prosperous. We're busy building infrastructure to make America better, instead of wasting trillions of dollars and countless lives in unnecessary wars.
Another thing that makes America so great is the equality between the rich and middle class. No one's poor at all. It's the land of the free and home of the prosperous, with a large, happy middle-class.
One of the REALLY nice things about America is airport security. You get a free feel-job with every flight. Soon we can all run around naked, just like in the Garden of Eden. That way we can dress in American made attire, instead of clothes made in China. It will make us all feel safer.
I'm glad we don't live in a police-state, like some foreign countries. We all feel safe without resorting to those drastic measures. That's probably one of the main reasons we're all so happy.
There is one minor problem; it's those pesky social programs. If we could just get rid of all of them we'd have a totally balanced budget, instead of the very small debt-deficit and tiny debts to other countries, like our good friends in China.
Yes, America is a happy prosperous nation and we're getting happier all the time.
If you don't believe me, just read a newspaper or turn on the TV.