erupt in the 1950's, I would suggest Howl.
As Alan Ginsberg talks about his life and art, his most famous poem is illustrated in animation while the obscenity trial of the work is dramatized captures the flavor of the 50's which, I believe, were much more creative than the 60's.
Hear me out. It was easy to push the boundaries of everything when everyone was doing it.
It was the 50's that saw creativity that was not afraid to suffer the consequences of embracing and or producing.
Think about how far out Charlie Parker was. piece is very tame compared to his other stuff but it captures the controled energy that was popping and bubbling all over places like New York and San Fransisco.
Listen and think about Lenny Bruce. know Lenny was pushing it all the way into the 60's, but he started in the 50's.
Or stare into the mind that was Jackson Pollack
And here is a wonderful scene from one of my favorite Movies, America Pop. to the seven minute mark. This segment was a homage to Kerouac and Cassidy.
I always think of black and white when the 50's are concerned. For every Francis the Talking Mule there was a movie like All Quiet on the Waterfront. Individuals were taking stands to declare their independence, their worth in a society that was increasingly oppressive from the top down.
This is when Civil Rights really started. Brave people from all walks of life lit the spark that blaized through the 60's...