Edited on Mon Jan-03-11 12:29 PM by ck4829
First Representative: So do we, uh, swear him in or something?
Second Rep: NO!
First Rep: OK, OK.
Third Rep: First off, welcome. For the past ten years, you have saved tens of millions of dollars in the form of tax cuts. Now, how many jobs do you think you created with those tax cuts?
Man before Congress: Plenty.
Third Rep: Really?
Man before Congress: Sure, just overseas.
Third Rep: What? Why?
Man before Congress: Because... *sniff* Because of you! All of my billions could be gone by tomorrow and it's all because of you with your "regulations" and taxes. All those liberals want to talk about poor people about not being able to afford rent or pay for basic medicine because there are no jobs, well boohoo! What about me, huh? What about my castle with indoor petting zoo or my fleet of solid jets, why does nobody care about that?
Second Rep: You poor man, you need another tax cut, don't you?
Man before Congress: Oh my God... Thank you... Yes.
Second Rep: This sweet man is clearly traumatized by all you liberal socialists, this hearing is closed.
Now, if there was a REAL hearing on this, who knows how long it would last. But who can doubt if there was a government program to supposedly create jobs, but we had to pay for it by slashing infrastructure and social programs, that heads would definitely roll in far less than ten years?